Directional masking of phase locking in the amphibian auditory nerve

Directional masking in the amphibian auditory periphery was investigated by presenting frogs with a continuous tone from above and a continuous broadband noise from four different horizontal directions. This paradigm mimics the natural situation in which frogs are located in three-dimensional space and interference can and does arise from any direction. Intracellular recordings were made from single auditory-nerve fibers of the anesthetized adult leopard frogs using a dorsal approach. Vector strength (VS) and the mean preferred firing phase (MP) were measured for 94 low-frequency fibers. Thirty-six percent of the fibers demonstrated direction sensitivity of noise masking of VS. Most fibers exhibited a maximum decrease in VS at 90 degrees or 270 degrees noise incident angle and a minimum decrease in VS at 0 degrees or 180 degrees noise incident angle, suggesting higher noise susceptibility to the lateral fields than to the anterior or posterior field. Forty-nine percent of the fibers demonstrated direction sensitivity of noise masking of MP. Maximum shift in MP occurred most often at 90 degrees or 180 degrees noise incident angle, whereas minimum shift in MP occurred most frequently at 0 degrees or 270 degrees noise incident angle, suggesting higher noise susceptibility to the ipsilateral or posterior field than to the contralateral or anterior field. The difference in the directionality patterns of VS and MP suggests different mechanisms underlying noise masking of these two measures of phase locking in the amphibian auditory nerve.