Conditions for Bose-Einstein condensation in magnetically trapped atomic cesium

We study conditions necessary for the observation of Bose-Einstein condensation in a magnetically trapped sample of atomic Cs gas. These conditions are associated with the value of the elastic scattering length, the rate of elastic scattering events, and the lifetime for decay of the density due to both magnetic dipole relaxation in two-body collisions, as well as recombination to Cs2 in three-body collisions. We find that, on the basis of these conditions, the prospects for observing Bose-Einstein condensation are favorable for a gas of ground-state Cs atoms in the highest state of the lowest hyperfine manifold. In all calculated elastic and inelastic two-body rates we find a pronounced resonance structure, which can be understood in terms of the interplay between the singlet-triplet interaction and the hyperfine, Zeeman, and magnetic dipole interactions. The experimental observation of these resonances may help to eliminate present uncertainties about interaction potentials.