Type B Hepatitis: The Infectivity of Blood Positive for E Antigen and DNA Polymerase after Accidental Needlestick Exposure

To determine the relation between the presence of donor DNA polymerase and e antigen, and recipient hepatitis, we tested, under code, serums from a controlled trial of hepatitis B immune globulin used to treat individuals accidentally inoculated with HBs Ag-positive blood. All recipients lacked antibody to HBs Ag. In 29 of 31 donors, both polymerase and e were in perfect agreement; both demonstrated a highly significant correlation with recipient hepatitis (P<0.001). DNA polymerase/e-negative blood did not cause hepatitis. Blood containing polymerase or e antigen did not cause hepatitis in six of 31 and four of 18 recipients, respectively. Hepatitis did not correlate with transaminase or duration of antigenemia in the donor.