Measuring Leisure Satisfaction

Literature on leisure behavior was reviewed to identify indicators relevant to the construct leisure satisfaction. That yielded many indicators which were reduced and developed a scale of 59 items. The instrument was subjected to two pilot studies. As a result of item and test analyses the instrument was refined to be field tested for validity and reliability. Content validity was tested by sending the instrument to over 160 experts and judges (professors, researchers and practitioners) in the area of leisure behavior and recreation. Responses reflected approval of the instrument. Reliability was assessed utilizing two samples in the Spring of 1978. First it was administered to a sample of 603 individuals. As a result of analyses some changes and refinements of the instrument took place then administered to another sample of 347 subjects, largely students. Utilizing factor analysis and alpha reliability yielded a scale of six components of leisure satisfaction with realibility of .96. The components and their reliabilities were: Psychological .86, educational .90, social .88, relaxation .85, physiological .92, and aesthetic .86.