The Aging Gut Motility Decay: May Symbiotics Be Acting as "Implantable" Biologic Pace-Makers?

Motility recording of small and large intestine was performed in old Wistar rats divided into three groups: (a) standard diet, (b) standard diet plus a symbiotic preparation, and (c) standard diet plus a heat-inactivated symbiotic preparation. SCM-III. significantly increased the myoelectric activity of small intestine and colon (p < 0.01 versus [a] and [c]) paralleling "young" values of 4-month-old rats and increased the spike burst frequency in the proximaldistal colon (p < 0.05). SCM-III significantly increased the frequency and duration of spike bursts in the jejunum, transverse-distal colon, and defecation frequency, while decreasing the intervals of migrating motor complex in the colon (p < 0.01) to "young" values with an increased mRNA expression of VIP (p < 0.05). Gut flora manipulation aimed to modulate myoelectric activity can tentatively help reversing age-related motility decay.