ICDAR 2013 Handwriting Segmentation Contest

This paper presents the results of the Handwriting Segmentation Contest that was organized in the context of the ICDAR2013. The general objective of the contest was to use well established evaluation practices and procedures to record recent advances in off-line handwriting segmentation. Two benchmarking datasets, one for text line and one for word segmentation, were created in order to test and compare all submitted algorithms as well as some state-of-the-art methods for handwritten document image segmentation in realistic circumstances. Handwritten document images were produced by many writers in two Latin based languages (English and Greek) and in one Indian language (Bangla, the second most popular language in India). These images were manually annotated in order to produce the ground truth which corresponds to the correct text line and word segmentation results. The datasets of previously organized contests (ICDAR2007, ICDAR2009 and ICFHR2010 Handwriting Segmentation Contests) along with a dataset of Bangla document images were used as training dataset. Eleven methods are submitted in this competition. A brief description of the submitted algorithms, the evaluation criteria and the segmentation results obtained from the submitted methods are also provided in this manuscript.

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