Comparative Analysis of Mitotic Aberrations Induced by Diethyl Sulphate (DES) and Sodium Azide (SA) in Vicia faba L. (Fabaceae)

The present investigation provides a comparative account of different concentrations (0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05 and 0.06%) of diethylsulphate (DES) and Sodium Azide (SA) on mitotic aberrations, seed germination, seedling survival, plant height and mitotic index in Vicia faba L. variety major. The control plants were normal while as treated ones showed significant alterations. The mutagens caused dose dependent decrease in seed germination, seedling survival, plant height and mitotic index. All the parameters were found negatively affected and were positively correlated with mutagenic concentrations. The cytological study revealed various types of mitotic aberrations, among them the dominant were fragments, stickiness, precocious separation, c-metaphase, ring chromosomes, unequal separation, laggards, bridges, micronuclei, disturbed anaphase etc. Stickiness and fragments were more frequent as compared to other types.