Below-knee amputation: A modern approach

Immediate and long-term results of 113 below-knee amputations in 103 patients are presented to justify a comprehensive program of management that includes an objective method for determining amputation level with xenon 133 clearance, precise surgical technic, immediate postoperative prosthesis, and an aggressive program of rehabilitaion. Prediction of healing of the last 30 below-knee amputations was 100% successful, showing the value of 133Xe clearance for determination of amputation level. Zero per cent thirty-day mortality and 100% prosthetic rehabilitation of patients on below-knee prostheses justifies the use of immediate postoperative prosthesis. Long-term follow-up of our patients demonstrates that the five year survival rate of diabetic patients is poor (39%) compared with the nondiabetic amputee (75%) who approached the survival of the normal, age-adjusted male population (85%). The fact that 75% of patients were alive after five years and were still independently ambulatory on their prostheses is final testimony to the value of the program.