Biomonitoring as a Method for Assessing Exposure to Perchlorate

Biomonitoring provides direct and quantitative information regarding human exposure to environmental toxicants, such as perchlorate (ClO4). Because of concerns surrounding widespread exposure to ClO4, we are using biomonitoring methods to assess exposure to ClO4 and other physiologically relevant anions that can impact iodide uptake by the thyroid. These methods quantify ClO4, thiocyanate, nitrate, and iodide in human urine, milk, serum, blood spots, amniotic fluid, and infant formula using ion chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. In this paper we summarize recent ClO4 biomonitoring research and provide three additional examples of the utility of biomonitoring for characterizing ClO4 exposure. Specifically, we examine variability in ClO4 excretion, compare the relative importance of different exposure sources in adults, and estimate ClO4 exposure in formula-fed infants. These applications provide examples of how biomonitoring can improve individual exposure assessment. Individual biomarker data can subsequently be compared with individual thyroid function data to better evaluate potential linkage between ClO4 exposure and health.