Patterns of service utilisation following the 1989 Newcastle earthquake: findings from Phase 1 of the Quake Impact Study

A screening questionnaire was distributed to 5,000 adult members of the community six months after the 1989 Newcastle earthquake, with a response rate of 63 per cent (n = 3,007). The mean age of respondents was 46.7 years and 58 per cent were female. Subjects' earthquake experiences were rated in terms of weighted indices of exposure to threat and disruption. Psychological morbidity was measured using the General Health Questionnaire and the Impact of Event Scale. Subjects were asked to indicate which of a range of general and disaster-related support services they had used in dealing with the stressful effects of the earthquake. It was estimated that 21.3 per cent of the adult population used general and/or disaster-related support services. Users of these services reported greater exposure to threat and/or disruption and had higher levels of psychological distress than nonusers. However, a high level of use of general services and reliance on medical services were related more to psychological morbidity than degree of exposure to earthquake-related events. Overall, the Newcastle community's needs for assistance in the aftermath of the earthquake were effectively absorbed by the existing support services and the resources marshalled to supplement those services. Individuals and organisations mobilised following natural disasters need to be strengthened by enhancing the capacity of support service workers to identify and manage psychological distress in their clients.