Epidemiological Status and Vector Identification of Bovine Trypanosomiosis in Didesa District of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

A cross sectional study was conducted in Didesa district of Oromia Regional State from November 2013 to June 2014 to determine the prevalence of trypanosomosis and tsetse density. Simple random sampling was used to select 556 cattle from the purposively selected four PAs for collection of blood sample. Buffy coat technique was used to determine prevalence of bovine trypansomiosis in the study area and trap was deployed for collection of tsetse flies. Blood sample was examined and it was found that 27 (4.86%) were parasitic positive. The prevalence was insignificant (P>0.05) in sex group, age, body condition score and between peasant association. But PCV between parasitemic and aparasitaemic is significant (p