The diathesis-stress and causal mediation components of the hopelessness theory of depression (Abramson, Metalsky, & Alloy, 1989) were tested using a prospective methodology. Measures of the 3 vulnerability factors posited by the theory (cognitive diatheses about cause, consequences, and self) were completed by 152 Ss at Time (T) 1. Ss completed measures of depressive symptoms, anxious symptoms, and hopelessness at T1 and again at T2, 5 weeks later. Naturally occurring stressors were assessed at T2 (covering the T1-T2 interval). Consistent with the diathesis-stress component, each Cognitive Diathesis x Stress (CD x S) interaction predicted onset of depressive symptoms from T1 to T2. In contrast, the CD x S interactions predicted neither state nor trait anxiety. In addition, 2 of the 3 CD x S interactions (those involving cause and self, but not consequences) were partially mediated by hopelessness. Implications for future work on the hopelessness theory of depression are discussed.