Addressing Asian American Misrepresentation and Underrepresentation in Research

Asian Americans are the fastest growing racial/ethnic minority group in the United States and have unique, heterogenous health status and outcomes across a range of conditions between disaggregated Asian subgroups. Despite the rapid growth of this group, clinical and epidemiologic research lags considerably in adequately and ap­propriately representing Asian Americans. Too often, Asian American participants and populations are inappropriately aggregated into a single race category in research, masking important differences between ethnic subgroups. In this commentary, actionable recommendations are provided to investigators in order to enhance inclu­sion and representation of Asian Americans in a broad scope of research programs. Incorporating these recommendations in research planning and conduct will support health and promote health equity for these populations. Ethn Dis. 2020;30(3):513-516; doi:10.18865/ed.30.3.513