Exhaust Fan Speed Controller Using Fuzzy Logic Controller

Fuzzy logic is a reasoning method for solving linguistic problems that cannot be solved mathematically. The application of fuzzy logic from our development program regarding the development of exhaust fans with fuzzy logic controllers to regulate air flow velocity in accordance with air conditions in a room. Using a gas sensor and a temperature sensor will create a number of conditions to then be treated in a fuzzy logic system using the Mamdani method. The process that occurs in the Mamdani fuzzy includes four stages including the process of calculating the fuzzy set (fuzzification), the application of the implication function, the composition of the rules to the last stage, the defuzzification process. The inter elements of the mamdani fuzzy process are interconnected in the sense that the order determined by fuzzy mamdani cannot be removed or replaced by another. Development that has been done related to the exhaust fan uses two sensors namely the temperature sensor and gas sensor. Used as a detector for the amount of harmful gas in a room so that it activates the exhaust fan to eliminate it at a speed consistent with the gas content in the room. Also used to measure the temperature of the room and then activate the exhaust fan so that the room can be inhabited comfortably. Fuzzy logic controller system is used to adjust the rotational speed of the exhaust fan.

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