Stereotactic Radiosurgery as a Salvage Treatment for Recurrent Epipharyngeal Carcinoma

Fourteen patients with recurrent epipharyngeal carcinoma (EPC) were treated by gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery. The tumor volume ranged from 0.3 to 80 ml (median 18.9 ml). Treatment was done with a tumor margin dose of 10–27 Gy (median 15 Gy). The median follow-up period was 15 months (range 2–47 months). Ten patients were alive and 4 were dead at the end of the follow-up period. In 6 patients (43%), the tumor disappeared or decreased in size until the end of the follow-up period. In 2 (14%), the tumor remained unchanged in size. In 6 (43%), the tumor showed regression initially but was enlarged later. A second radiosurgery was performed in 4 of those 6 cases and the tumor decreased in size again in 3 of them. Thus, the overall control rate of local tumor was 79% (11/14). In selected patients with recurrent EPC, stereotactic radiosurgery can be considered as a salvage treatment producing local control.