Transient maternal hypothyroxinemia at onset of corticogenesis alters tangential migration of medial ganglionic eminence‐derived neurons

Correct positioning of cortical neurons during development depends on the radial migration of the projection neurons and on the coordinated tangential and radial migrations of the subcortically generated interneurons. As previously shown, a transient and moderate maternal deficiency in thyroxin during early corticogenesis alters the radial migration of projection neurons. To determine if a similar effect might also affect tangential migration of medial ganglionic eminence (MGE)-derived neurons at the origin of cortical interneurons, explants of MGE from green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic embryos were implanted into flat cortical mounts from wild-type embryos. The distances covered and the preferential migration (medially) of GFP-MGE neurons from embryos of hypothyroxinemic dams are not affected in their tangential migration into wild-type control cortices. In contrast, when GFP-MGE neurons from embryos of control or hypothyroxinemic dams migrate within cortices from embryos of hypothyroxinemic dams, the GFP-MGE-derived neurons lose their preferential direction of migration, although they still migrate for long distances throughout the cortex. Our results show that maternal hypothyroxinemia alters the tangential migration of GFP-MGE-derived neurons in the neocortex of the progeny and suggest that this alteration is not derived from the migratory neurons themselves but through undefined short- and long-range cues responsible for the guidance of their migration. © Federation of European Neuroscience Societies.This study has been financed by Spanish Grants: Instituto de Salud Carlos III, RCMN (03 ⁄ 08) and PI03 ⁄ 1047 to G.M.E., and Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI03 ⁄ 0576 and Generalitat Valènciana GRUPOS03 ⁄ 053 to P.B.. E.C. was recipient of a fellowship of the CONACyT from México (124841).Peer Reviewe