Idiopathic Juxtafoveolar Retinal Telangiectasis

• Twenty-seven healthy adult patients had visual loss in one or both eyes because of exudation from juxtafoveolar retinal capillary telangiectasis of uncertain cause. These patients were subdivided as follows: group 1, men with uniocular involvement, intraretinal lipid exudation, and telangiectasis largely confined to the temporal half of the juxtafoveolar area; group 2, mostly men with symmetric areas of telangiectasis affecting the temporal half of the juxtafoveolar areas and minimal intraretinal exudation; group 3, both sexes with symmetric involvement of all of the parafoveolar capillary bed and minimal exudation; and group 4, one case of telangiectasis with occlusive perifoveolar capillary changes and familial optic disc pallor. The visual acuity prognosis in groups 1 through 3 is relatively good. Photocoagulation may be of some value in the treatment of patients in group 1.

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