Dexamethasone enhanced by insulin, but not by thyroid hormones stimulates apolipoprotein B mRNA editing in cultured rat hepatocytes depending on the developmental stage

The increase of hepatic apolipoprotein B (apoB) mRNA editing during rat development was not affected by hypothyroidism. Furthermore, the addition of 3,3′,5-triiodothyronine (T3) to cultured hepatocytes taken from fetal, neonatal and adult rats had no effect on apoB mRNA editing. In contrast, dexamethasone markedly stimulated apoB mRNA editing in hepatocytes taken from neonates. This effect was enhanced by the addition of insulin. For the first time our data provide evidence that glucocorticoids together with insulin are important for the regulation of apoB mRNA editing during postnatal development, whereas thyroid hormones are not critical for this process.