Is there a role for leptin in the endocrine and metabolic aberrations of polycystic ovary syndrome?

Immunoreactive serum leptin was analysed in 49 women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) distributed on a wide range of body mass index (BMI; kg/m2) and in 32 normally menstruating women with comparable age, BMI, physical activity and dietary habits. All women with PCOS had increased androgen concentrations and obese women with PCOS (BMI > or = 25, n=24) also showed decreased insulin sensitivity and a preferential accumulation of truncal-abdominal body fat. Anthropometric and hormonal variables, insulin sensitivity, and pancreatic beta-cell activity were investigated in all women. Percentage body fat was calculated using gender-specific regression equations based on skinfold measurements. Serum leptin concentrations were higher in obese than in non-obese women (P < 0.001), but did not differ between the women with PCOS and controls, nor did they differ between glucose intolerant and glucose tolerant, or hirsute and non-hirsute women with PCOS. Both groups showed strong correlations between serum leptin concentrations and percentage body fat, BMI, body fat distribution, fasting plasma insulin and C-peptide, early insulin secretion, the free androgen index (FAI), and the degree of insulin resistance. After correcting for percentage body fat, only the FAI in the women with PCOS remained significant (P < 0.05). However, in a multiple regression analysis with both percentage body fat and the FAI as independent variables, the FAI increased only minimally (2%) the explained variation in leptin concentrations. Thus, serum leptin concentrations are almost exclusively determined by the total amount of body fat, independent of its location, and do not confirm the hypothesis that leptin is involved in the development of the hormonal and metabolic abnormalities in the PCOS.