Sporotrichosis is a rather rare disease clinically seen as one of four general types, namely lymphatic, disseminated nodular, disseminated ulcerated and visceral.1The type commonly encountered is the lymphatic, characterized generally by an initial traumatic abscess of the skin followed by a chain of subcutaneous nodules along the course of the lymphatics in two to three weeks. These nodules are painless and later ulcerate. The ulcers resemble tuberculosis of the skin, syphilitic gumma, staphylococcic infections or tularemia. If the condition remains undiagnosed, the course is prolonged and disabling. The etiologic agent is the fungus Sporotrichum schencki, named after Schenck, who in 1898 originally described the disease in this country. The fungus is a widespread saprophyte being found in every country. Microscopically the myceliums appear hyaline, fine branching organisms 1 to 2 microns in diameter. The spores are oval to pear shaped and are attached to short lateral branches or