Today, irregular site planning affects the comfort of pedestrians in public areas. Climatic data in the area are not taken into account during the design process of the buildings. High-intensity buildings in certain regions create negative wind movements, which affect the comfort of users in public spaces around the building. With the development of computer technology, the simulation models using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method of the wind analyzes have been developed rapidly, the tests which were previously made with high cost experimental environments have been transferred to the computer environments and the experiment process has gained speed. These simulation models have also been used frequently in the architectural design process. But the fact that these analyzes are carried out by the engineers at the end of the project, limits the size of the interventions that can be done to improve the negative areas of wind movements. The interventions are carried out by adding some building elements to the project and/or subtracting some elements from the building since the project is completed in mass, and this is not enough to control the wind movements in open areas. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of wind movements on the mass settlement alternatives in the first phase of the architectural design process and to determine the methods of the development of settlement plans in line with these data. In this study, models of mass housing projects in Istanbul with different settlement plans and characteristics were modelled and wind analysis was performed using Autodesk CFD program. In the light of these analyses, the wind movements around the pool, recreational facility and green areas in the settlements were evaluated by considering the user comfort, and comfortable and uncomfortable areas were determined.