Treatment and surveillance strategies in achalasia: an update

Controversy exists with regard to the optimal treatment for achalasia and whether surveillance for early recognition of late complications is indicated. Currently, surgical myotomy and pneumatic dilation are the most effective treatments for patients with idiopathic achalasia, and a multicenter, randomized, international trial has confirmed similar efficacy of these treatments, at least in the short term. Clinical predictors of outcome, patient preferences and local expertise should be considered when making a decision on the most appropriate treatment option. Owing to a lack of long-term benefit, endoscopic botulinum toxin injection and medical therapies are reserved for patients of advanced age and those with clinically significant comorbidites. The value of new endoscopic, radiologic or surgical treatments, such as peroral endoscopic myotomy, esophageal stenting and robotic-assisted myotomy has not been fully established. Finally, long-term follow-up data in patients with achalasia support the notion that surveillance strategies might be beneficial after a disease duration of more than 10-15 years.