The solution of the equations of motion defined by the Hamiltonian function H = Ho(qk,pk) + n=1λnHn(qk,pk) = E, k = 1,…,N is found through the use of power series expansions in the perturbation parameter λ. The solution is in the form of 2N independent integrals of motion jk = Pk + n=1 λnJkn(Ql,Pl) = const Wk = Qk + n=1 λnWkn(Ql,Pl) = δkN·t + const where the perturbation terms of these integrals are given by recursion formulas Jkn = CQNδHnδQks=1n−1 {Jks, Hn−s}dQ′Nfor k≠N, JN n = Hn(Ql,Pl) Wkn = CQNδHnδPk + s=1n−1 {Wks, Hn−s}dQ′N and Pk(ql, pl), Qk(ql, pl) is the canonical transformation for which PN = H0(ql, pl), (δkN = Kronecker delta, {} = Poisson bracket). Quantities Jk, wk are the canonical variables giving the perturbed Hamiltonian the form H = JN. There are 2N − 1 time-independent integrals: J1 ,…, JN, W1 ,…, WN−1 describing the trajectory in 2N-dimensional phase space. The last integral WNt = const, determines the position on the trajectory at any given time.