Optimization of torque‐balanced asymmetric head gradient coils

Local gradient coils can improve the performance of echo‐planar, diffusion, and short TE imaging in the brain. A modified singular value decomposition algorithm, which allows the rapid optimization and comparison of designs, was employed to optimize head size gradient coils. A theoretical expression for the torque on a cylindrical coil is presented and used to design coils that are free from torque while pulsed within a magnetic field. Gradient coils of various lengths both with and without torque constraints were compared; although torque‐free coils do not perform as well as unbalanced coils, asymmetric torque‐balanced coils can achieve comparable homogeneity with only a modest Increase in inductance and resistance. Both types of coils outperform body size gradient coils by a dramatic margin. A three‐axis head gradient designed using these techniques was constructed and used for brain imaging on a clinical scanner.

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