The Hi (2p12P → 1s12S) 1215.67 Å‐Lyman‐alpha line and the Oi (3s13S0 → 2p43P) 1302.17, 1304.87, 1306.04‐Å multiplet have been excited by electrons impacting on H2 and O2, respectively. Their excitation cross sections have been measured over the energy range from threshold to 350 eV. The cross section for dissociative excitation of Lyman alpha has a peak value of 1.23 × 10−17 cm2 ± 11%, while the cross section for the Oi 1300‐Å multiplet has a maximum value of 3.8 × 10−18 cm2 ± 17%. The cross section for dissociative excitation of the Oi (3s11P0 → 2p41S) 1217.6‐Å line is 1.5 × 10−19 cm2 ± 24% at 100 eV.