Effect of Short‐Chain Fatty Acids on the Human Colonic Mucosa in Vitro

Fermentable dietary fiber components are known to stimulate colonic crypt proliferation. As these compounds are rapidly degraded to short‐chain fatty acids (SCFAs) by the anaerobic microflora, the hypothesis was tested that this trophic effect of fiber may be mediated by SCFAs. Biopsies were taken from normal cecal mucosa of 45 individuals during routine colonoscopy. They were incubated for 3 hours with sodium salts of SCFAs at physiological concentrations (three SCFAs = acetate 60 mmol/L + propionate 25 mmol/L + butyrate 10 mmol/L; acetate 60 mmol/L; propionate 25 mmol/ L; butyrate 10 mmol/L) or equimolar NaCl (control). Cell proliferation was measured autoradiographically by subsequent pulse labeling with [3H]thymidine (1 hour). The labeling index (number of labeled cells divided by the total number of cells) was computed for the crypt as a whole and for five equal crypt compartments (compartment 1 = crypt base, compartment 5 = crypt surface). Cecal crypt proliferation was raised significantly in all incubation experiments with SCFAs. Butyrate (10 mmol/ L, increase +89%) and propionate (25 mmol/L, +70%) were as effective in stimulating proliferation as the combination of three SCFAs (+103%), although the effect of acetate (+31%) was minor. Increasing the butyrate concentration to 25 mmol/ L or 60 mmol/L did not result in a further increase of cell labeling. SCFAs stimulated proliferation in the basal three crypt compartments only. An expansion of the proliferative zone to compartments 4 and 5 was not observed. SCFAs, especially butyrate and propionate, are luminal trophic factors for the cecal epithelium. This finding emphasizes the view of a symbiosis between the host and the anaerobic microflora in the large gut. In long‐term artificial enteral nutrition and in the management of the short‐bowel syndrome, it may be desirable to avoid colonic atrophy by supplementing liquid formula diets with carbohydrates, that are fermented to SCFAs in the colon. (Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 16:43–48, 1992)