Accurate Radiographic Evaluation of Mandibular Fractures

• Proper radiographic evaluation is essential to confirm the presence and location of a mandibular fracture. The panoramic view of the mandible is considered to be a very accurate technique and has been heavily relied on by many clinicians as the initial or sole means of diagnosing mandibular fractures. Three cases of mandibular fractures are presented in which a panoramic view failed to demonstrate fractures of the mandible that were obvious on plain film radiographs. Diagnosis and treatment planning should not be based on the information obtained from a single roentgenogram such as a panoramic view. The combination of the mandibular series with the panoramic view provides increased diagnostic information that should enable accurate diagnosis of fractures in all areas of the mandible. (Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1989;115:1083-1085)

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