Striatal Neuron Differentiation from Neurosphere-Expanded Progenitors Depends onGsh2Expression

Neural stem and progenitor cells from the embryonic forebrain can be expanded under growth factor stimulation in vitro, either as free-floating aggregates called neurospheres or as attached monolayer cultures. We have previously shown that despite the maintenance of important regulatory genes such as Gsh2, in vitro expansion of cells from the lateral ganglion eminence (LGE) restricts their differentiation potential. Specifically, their ability to differentiate into striatal projection neurons is compromised. It is not clear whether this restriction is caused by loss of progenitors with the ability to generate striatal projection neurons or whether the restricted differentiation potential is caused by factors lacking during in vitro differentiation. To address this, we have set up an in vitro system, in which expanded LGE-derived cells are differentiated in coculture with primary cells isolated from different regions of the embryonic brain. We provide evidence that the primary cells supply the expanded cells with contact-mediated region-specific developmental cues. Neurosphere-expanded LGE progenitors can, when presented with these cues, differentiate into neurons with characteristics of striatal projection neurons. Furthermore, we show that the ability of the expanded LGE cells to respond to the developmental cues presented by the primary cells depends on the maintained expression of Gsh2 in the expanded cells.

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