The prototype of Zakat management system in Indonesia by using the social society approach: A case study

Giving alms (Zakat) to people in need is an obligation for Muslims to create justice for others. In Indonesia, there are already several institutions dealing with the issue for zakat, among others the body formed by the government, namely Badan Amil Zakat (BAZNAS) or a body formed by the community. Each Zakat institution already has a system used to register Muzaki (the person giving Zakat) and Mustahiq (the recipient of Zakat). However, there are some disadvantages to their system. First, the level of distribution of Zakat to the needy is still very low compare to the level of Zakat acceptance, which is about 60%. This is due to Mustahiq data owned by Zakat institutions are not real-time due to lack of officers in searching for Mustahiq data. Second, the data among the Zakat institutions that are still not integrated, thus allowing duplication of giving Zakat to the same Mustahiq. On the other hand, there is the possibility of Mustahiq not receiving any donations at all. In this research, we have created a new approach involving civil society to participate recommending Mustahiq's data and allow Muzaki to be able to give Zakat directly to Mustahiq. Then, we created a proxy database for communication among existing Zakat institutions. The result of this research is the design and prototype of new system.