Parameterized gait synthesis

A method of producing gaits is presented that uses control mechanisms analogous to windup toys. The synthesis technique is based on optimization. One primary characteristics of the "virtual windup toys" is that they are oblivious to their environment. This means that the simulated creatures have no active control over balance. Nevertheless, "blind" control mechanisms work well for many common periodic gaits as well as aperiodic motions such as turns and leaps. The possibilities and limitations of the technique are presented in the context of example creatures having one, two, four, and six legs. An important attribute of the proposed synthesis method is that the motions produced can be parameterized. Instead of producing a fixed instance of a motion, a family of motions can be synthesized. Examples presented are a hopping gait parameterized with respect to speed, a turning walk parameterized with respect to the turning rate, and a leaping gait parameterized with respect to the size of the leap. The animator can thus interactively specify the hopping speed, turning rate, and leap size, respectively, for these physics-based motions.

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