Nanocrystallization of lanthanide trifluoride in an aluminosilicate glass matrix: dimorphism and rare earth partition

A systematic synthesis of homogeneously distributed lanthanide trifluoride (from LaF3 to LuF3) nanocrystals in the same aluminosilicate glass matrix was reported. These fluorides exhibit dimorphism, i.e., the hexagonal structure for those from LaF3 to GdF3 and the orthorhombic one for those from TbF3 to LuF3 (including YF3). The Eu3+ emission spectra evidenced the partition of the doped rare earth ions into the LnF3nanocrystals, and as an example, the intense ultraviolet upconversion emissions were achieved in the Tm3+ : YbF3nanocrystals containing composite due to the low-photon-energy environment of rare earth ions. These nano-composites may find potential applications in solid-state lasers, 3D displays, amplifiers and other optoelectronic devices.