A model of neocortex

Prompted by considerations about (i) the compositionality of cognitive functions. (ii) the physiology of individual cortical neurons, (iii) the role of accurately timed spike patterns in wrtex, and (iv) the regulation of global conical activity, we suggest that the dynamics of cartex on the 1-ms time scale may be described as the activation of circuits of the synfre- chain type (Abeles 1982, 1991). We suggest that the fundamental computational unit in cortex may be a wave-like spatio-temporal pattem of synfire type. and that the binding mechanism underlying compositionality in cognition may be the accurate synchmnirnfion of synfire waves that propagate simultaneously on distinct, weakly coupled, synfire chains. We propose that Hebbian synaptic plasticity may result in asuperposition of synfire chains in conical connectivity, whereby a given neuron participates in many distinct chains. We investigate the behaviour of a much-simplified model of cortical dynamics devised along these principles. Calculations and numerical experiments are performed based on an assumption of randomness of stored chains, in the style of statistical physics. It is demonstrated that: (i) there exists a critical value for the total length of stored chains; (ii) this Storage capacity is linear in the network's size; (iii) the behaviour of the network around the critical point is characterized by the self-regulation of the number of synfire waves wactive in the network at any given time.