Carotid‐CNS MR flow imaging

The authors present their 1‐year experience with the use of 3DFT, time‐of‐flight MR angiography for the evaluation of vascular diseases of the head and neck. Their experience with over 150 patients indicates that this examination may be performed in conjunction with standard spin‐echo imaging with only a minimal increase in patient examination time. This combined examination is most applicable to atherosclerotic disease of the carotid bifurcation, arterial occlusions of the primary and secondary branches of the intracranial circulation (particularly in pediatric patients such as those following ECMO or with sickle cell anemia), and patients with saccular berry aneurysms. This type of static, angiographic technique adds little to standard spin‐echo imaging in patients with arteriovenous fistulae, neoplasms, and giant intracranial aneurysms. Limitations of the present technique include the inability to visualize slow flow lesions (e.g., giant aneurysms) and selected high flow states (arteriovenous fistulae, some severe stenoses ). © 1990 Academic Press, Inc.