Comparison of regeneration across nerve allografts with temporary or continuous cyclosporin A immunosuppression

✓ The efficacy of short-term immunosuppression in a nerve allograft model was examined by comparing regeneration across peripheral nerve allografts with either temporary (12 weeks) or continuous (30 weeks) cyclosporin A treatment. One-hundred fifty Lewis rats received 2-cm nerve grafts from allogeneic ACI or syngeneic Lewis rat donors and were allocated to the following groups: allogeneic grafts and continuous cyclosporin A, with 18 weeks (20 rats) or 30 weeks (20 rats) of survival after graft placement; allogeneic grafts and temporary cyclosporin A, with 12 weeks (10 rats), 18 weeks (20 rats), or 30 weeks (20 rats) of survival; and control rats with allogeneic and syngeneic grafts, no cyclosporin A, with 12, 18, or 30 weeks (10 rats each) of survival. Functional regeneration across the nerve grafts was serially assessed with walking-track analysis. Endpoint evaluations included electrophysiological, histological, and morphometric studies. Both walking-track and electrophysiological function reached a pla...