Various countries establish school mediation programs, providing different answers to the following questions: whether the school mediation should become a profession or an additional skill required for teachers and administration? Whether some specific model or mediation should be implemented in schools, it is important that the school chose its own model? Should the mediators in the school be more focused on solving the conflicts or on the educational effects of mediation? Whether the school mediation should be introduced en masse, or only in schools showing strong interest? What is the difference of classical mediation and restorative practices? Spreading the model of "school service of reconciliation" in Russia, it is necessary to take into account international experience, both positive and negative aspects of different programs of mediation and restorative practices in school. The article deals with different forms of mediation in the educational system of different countries, highlights controversial points and the direction of development of mediation in the education system. We summarize the restoration practices in the education system in Russia, show the number of schools and regional reconciliation services, operating in the framework of restorative mediation, on their programs, the number of mediators and participants, and so on.