WHILE the value of estrogens in the menopause cannot be denied, there are some clinicians who condemn their use for the climacteric patient. The condemnation is based upon three primary concepts: One is that the entire climacteric syndrome has been designated as one of psychodynamic alterations and can, therefore, be controlled very adequately by psychotherapy or barbiturate sedation.1 Secondly, evidence of the carcinogenic propensity of estrogens in mice2 and occasionally in rats has led to the feeling that similar results could be anticipated clinically.3 The third objection to the use of estrogens in the female climacteric is that in the past a tendency towards uterine bleeding has been noted in patients maintained on estrogen therapy. However, recent moderation of the original recommended doses has diminished the incidence of bleeding noted after such hormone medication.4 In an attempt to appease those who feel nihilistic toward estrogen therapy, an intensive search has