The Snuffbox Arteriovenous Fistula for Vascular Access

Objectives to determine the applicability, patency rates and factors influencing patency of snuffbox arteriovenous fistulae for haemodialysis access. Design retrospective non-randomised study. Materials and methods patency was determined by reference to an ongoing database and dialysis records of 645 vascular access procedures between 1985 and 1997, including 210 snuffbox fistulae in 201 patients. Results snuffbox fistulae comprised 189/376 (50%) primary procedures. Records of 208 snuffbox fistulae were available for patency analysis by the life-table method. Twenty-two (11%) thrombosed within 24 hours of operation. After six weeks 80% were used for dialysis. Cumulative patency was 65% at 1 year and 45% at 5 years. After thrombosis of snuffbox fistulae, ipsilateral wrist fistulae could be constructed in 45%. Fistula patency was significantly better in men than women (p70 years, and the prior commencement of haemodialysis did not significantly affect fistula survival. Conclusions the snuffbox AV fistula gives a long segment of arterialised vein for needling and preserves proximal vessels. It is feasible in 50% of patients requiring primary access and has good long-term patency, especially in men. A more proximal fistula may be preferable in women with smaller vessels