Structure of humic acids in zonal soils from 13C NMR data

The structure of humic acids (HAs) in zonal soil types—soddy-podzolic soils (two samples), gray forest soil (one sample), and chernozems (two samples)—was quantitatively studied by 13C NMR spectros-copy. In the series considered, the content of unsubstituted carbon in the aromatic fragments of HAs increased, and the fraction of unsubstituted aliphatic structures decreased. HAs of soddy-podzolic soils were found to be enriched with carbohydrate fragments compared to HAs of chernozems and gray forest soil. The carbon skeleton of HAs from typical rich chernozem contained significantly more aliphatic and carbohydrate fragments compared to typical chernozem, which probably reflected the lower degree of HA transformation in rich chernozem.