This article details a social constructionist reconfiguration of metaphor analysis (SCMA) that is advanced as a powerful, reflexive analytic tool for discourse—centered social constructionist investigations. We begin by delineating the general assumptions of social constructionism. Next we document the importance of reflexivity, second—order constructionism, and discourse to the social constructionist, together with the growing relevance of post—modernist/structuralist arguments that variously advance resistance to discursive closure. Cumulatively, our delineations highlight the need for specific analytic methods capable of addressing the discursive construction of conceptual and theoretical orders. We then argue that with some reconfiguration metaphor analysis can be advanced as one such analytic method. We then reconfigure metaphor analysis to produce SCMA and in the latter half of the article, apply it to a body of organizational socialization texts. Our application demonstrates both the general utility of SCMA as a discourse analytic method as well as specific ways in which organizational socialization has been socio—symbolically constructed. Finally the article explores the implications of SCMA for organizational socialization theorizing in particular and theory‐building in general.