Dynamic behavior of suspended pollutants and particle size distribution in highway runoff

Continuous runoff quality monitoring was conducted for one month at urban highway drainage with an area of 8.4 ha. Dynamic change of suspended solids and heavy metal concentrations were investigated during first flush periods, taking the particle size distribution into consideration. Except for Pb, the concentrations of TSS and heavy metals in runoff were within the range of the EMC reported in recent highway runoff research. Particle-bound heavy metals (Zn, Pb, and Cu) accounted for more significant pollutant loads than soluble fractions. Their content decreased with increasing total SS concentration in runoff samples. The results of particle size distribution (PSD) analysis of runoff samples indicate that high TSS concentration samples contained coarser particles. Based on the PSD results, a stepwise wash-off phenomenon of TSS under varying runoff rate conditions was explained by the different washoff behavior of fine (< 20 mm) and coarser particles.