Genetic association of the very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) receptor gene with sporadic Alzheimer's disease

A specific isoform of apolipoprotein E has been associated with the accelerated rate of disease expression of sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD) and late-onset familial AD (FAD). An earlier age at onset has also been demonstrated in familial AD patients with mutations in the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene (APP717 and APP670/671)13 carrying the APOE epsilon-4 allele compared to those who do not, but not in familial AD patients with APP692 or 693 mutations, or in chromosome 14-linked familial AD patients. Hypothesizing that receptors for apoE-containing lipoproteins act as a potential risk factor for AD, we performed an association study using a polymorphic triplet (CGG) repeat in the gene for the VLDL receptor (VLDL-R), a receptor for apoE-containing lipoproteins. The frequency of the 5-repeat allele was significantly higher in all of the Japanese sporadic AD patients (P < 0.02) than in the Japanese controls. Moreover, the odds ratio was significantly increased in the AD patients homozygous for the 5-repeat allele (OR = 2.1, 95% CI = [1.1-4.2]). Multiple logistic regression analysis reveals that the relative risk conferred by the presence of two copies of the 5-repeat allele and at least one copy of the APOE epsilon-4 allele is 8.7 (95% CI = [2.9-25.8]). Our results suggest that the VLDL-R gene is a susceptibility gene for AD.