On Orgasm, Sexual Techniques, and Erotic Perceptions in 18- to 74-Year-Old Swedish Women

To explore, in an age perspective, women's lifetime sexual techniques and the extent to which they had led to orgasm. To relate these techniques and current erotic perceptions to orgasmic function in women sexually active during the last 12 months and to describe the relative impact of orgasmic function/dysfunction on their sexual well-being. A nationally representative sample of 18- to 74-year-old women (N = 1,335) participated. Nearly all were heterosexual. Current orgasmic capacity was broadly and subjectively classified into: no, mild, or manifest dysfunction. Sexual techniques and erotic perceptions were recorded together with level of sexual satisfaction. Generational differences characterized age at first orgasm and intercourse, types and width of sexual repertoire, and also current erotic perceptions, while orgasmic dysfunction and distress caused by it were less age dependent. Likely protectors of good orgasmic function, mainly against manifest dysfunction, were: a relatively early age at first orgasm, a relatively greater repertoire of techniques used--in particular having been caressed manually or orally by partner(s), achievement of orgasm by penile intravaginal movements, attaching importance to sexuality and being relatively easily sexually aroused. In turn, among other aspects of female sexual function women who did not have orgasmic dysfunction or distress were particularly likely to be satisfied with their sexual life. Besides providing data on matters frequently said to be sensitive this investigation shows that women's generation and with it several long-ranging aspects of women's sexual history and their feelings of being sexual are important indicators of their orgasmic and thereby their overall sexual well-being. When (in clinical practice) establishing treatment strategy for women with orgasmic dysfunction due respect should be given to these factors.
Funding Information
  • Swedish National Institute of Public Health