Web Surveys as Part of a Mixed-Mode Strategy for Populations that cannot be Contacted by E-Mail

Potential respondents to web surveys are usually contacted by e-mail. For general target populations, e-mail addresses are usually not available. This study explores whether a sequential mixed-mode web/mail strategy can be used for such a population to encourage respondents to choose the web mode. In the authors' sequential mixed-mode web/mail survey, respondents were first encouraged to reply by web and in a follow-up were also offered mail questionnaires. Even though the target population (high school students) is presumed to be relatively computer savvy, the authors find that almost two thirds of the respondents nonetheless prefer responding by mail. In the first stage (when respondents can only reply on the web), phone reminders increase the number of web responses. In the second stage (when respondents may choose between responding by mail or by web), mail incentives increase the number of mail responses but do not affect the number of web responses.