Magnetic relaxation in Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 single crystals by SQUID magnetometer and micro-Hall sensor

Measurements of the isothermal magnetization hysteresis loops M(H) and the magnetic relaxation for a Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 single crystal were carried out by using a superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer and a micro-Hall sensor. In the temperature window from 30 to 60 K, the measurements for M(H) show a second anomalous peak at a field Hsp and an onset field of Hon. From these relaxation data measured by two different techniques, the activation barrier U0 and the creep exponent μ were separately calculated as functions of H based on the weak collective pinning theory. The variation of the normalized creep rate, S=(|dlnM/dlnt|), with H is also presented. The results at T=35K indicate that at a characteristic field H* lying between Hon and Hsp, a minimum is observed in S(H) whereas a maximum is observed in U0(H). These analyses also show that below H*, the creep phenomenon is controlled by an elastic process. However, above Hsp a negative power law, U0(H)Hν with ν0.9, is observed suggesting the existence of plastic creep. At a low temperature of T=20K, where no second peak is observed, both S(H) and U0(H) behave differently. A comparative study of the different creep parameters obtained from the two different measurement techniques is also discussed.