Neuronal inhibition by the peptide FMRFamide involves opening of S K+ channels

Neurotransmitters modulate the activity of ion channels through a variety of second messengers, including cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP and the products of phosphatidylinositol breakdown. Little is known about how different transmitters acting through different second-messenger systems interact within a cell to regulate single ion channels. We here describe the reciprocal actions of serotonin and the molluscan neuropeptide, FMRFamide, on individual K+ channels in Aplysia sensory neurons. In these cells, serotonin causes prolonged all-or-none closure of a class of background conductance K+ channels (the S channels) through cAMP-dependent protein phosphorylation. Using single-channel recording, we have found that FMRFamide produces two actions on the S channels; it increases the probability of opening of the S channels via a cAMP-independent second-messenger system and it reverses the closures of S channels produced by serotonin or cAMP.