Diplacusis: III. Clinical Diplacusimetry

DISTORTED hearing deserves early recognition and careful evaluation. Diplacusis and poor pitch discrimination frequently produce disturbing emotional reactions in patients unaware of their own defective harmonics. Culpepper1 discovered that a congenital form of diplacusis was the main cause of "off-key" singers. He was able to obtain consistent diplacusis curves in repeated testing of these "tone-deaf" children 10 years of age with normal audiograms. Musicians are the first ones to recognize malfunction of their finely-tuned ears. Inability to register proper pitch made one vocal soloist stop a performance. This patient had a temporary diplacusis for six weeks following a stapedectomy. An emotional upset of a Catholic sister resulted when she was unable to play her violin without discord or direct a choir harmoniously. An acute cochlear hydrops due to a sudden descent of a jet-airliner resulted in a severe diplacusis of more than one octave in another patient. Diplacusis Testing