Can we detect cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) infection by cytomorphology alone? Diagnostic value of non‐classic cytological signs of HPV effect in minimally abnormal Pap tests

Our aim was to assess the validity of non-classical cytological signs in minimally abnormal cervical smears for the prediction of HPV infection. 164 ThinPrep monolayers were re-screened for mild nuclear changes, disorders of keratinisation, abortive koilocytes and 'measles cells', as well as degenerative changes. HPV DNA was detected by GP5+/6+ and MY09/MY11 consensus primer PCR assays. Seventy six of 164 cases (46.3%) had HPV positivity by PCR. All cytomorphological features studied were significantly associated with the presence of HPV. Mild nuclear changes had 100% sensitivity and 100% negative predictive value for HPV infection. Our results indicate that non-classic cytomorphological signs can improve the sensitivity of cytology for detecting HPV. Minimally abnormal Pap smears lacking mild nuclear changes (16%) in the present study--do not require further molecular HPV testing.