Papillary eccrine adenoma

In 14 patients a distinctive eccrine sweat gland tumor termed papillary eccrine adenoma was studied. There was a majority of black patients, and the tumors were located most often on the distal extremities. Eleven patients were followed up for an average of 35 mo. after excision of the tumor. No tumor metastasized but 1 recurred, and since reexcision the patient was followed up 30 mo. without further regrowth. Although previously regarded as sometimes malignant, the papillary eccrine adenoma is considered benign on the basis of this experience. Excision, with assurance from pathologic examination that the surgical margins are free of tumor, is the treatment of choice. Recognition of the neoplasm is based on the microscopic appearance of a pattern of structures resembling eccrine ducts, usually dilated, associated with intraluminal papillations.