Synthetic pheromones to attract honeybee (Apis mellifera) swarms

Summary: Lures containing the synthetic pheromone components (E)- and (Z)-citrals, geraniol and nerolic and geranic acids made new hives, not previously occupied by honeybee colonies, more attractive to caged honeybee swarms than unbaited hives (20 out of 20 tests). The lure also made old hives, previously occupied by colonies, more attractive to caged swarms (19 out of 20 tests) and to swarms in natural conditions (12 occupied compared with none without the lure). Adding (E)-9-oxo-2-decenoic acid (part of the queen's mandibular gland pheromone) to the lure increased its attractiveness to caged swarms (20 out of 20 tests). Practical implications in beekeeping are discussed.