Physical and transcript map of the region between D6S264 and D6S149 on chromosome 6q27, the minimal region of allele loss in sporadic epithelial ovarian cancer

We have previously shown a high frequency of allele loss at D6S193 (62%) on chromosomal arm 6q27 in ovarian tumours and mapped the minimal region of allele loss between D6S297 and D6S264 (3 cM). We isolated and mapped a single non-chimaeric YAC (17IA12, 260–280 kb) containing D6S193 and D6S297. A further extended bacterial contig (between D6S264 and D6S149) has been established using PACs and BACs and a transcript map has been established. We have mapped six new markers to the YAC; three of them are ESTs (WI-15078, WI-8751, and TCP10). We have isolated three cDNA clones of EST WI-15078 and one clone contains a complete open reading frame. The sequence shows homology to a new member of the ribonuclease family. The other two clones are splice variants of this new gene. The gene is expressed ubiquitously in normal tissues. It is expressed in 4/8 ovarian cancer cell lines by Northern analysis. The gene encodes for a 40 kDa protein. Direct sequencing of the gene in all the eight ovarian cancer cell lines did not identify any mutations. Clonogenic assays were performed by transfecting the full-length gene in to ovarian cancer cell lines and no suppression of growth was observed.